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Park House School


Check eligibility for Free School Meals

You may be aware that students from families who meet certain criteria (see below) may be eligible for Free School Meals and/or Pupil Premium funding. 

Whether your child decides to take these meals or not, the school also receives additional funding for each student. At a time when school budgets are very tight, this funding makes a real difference to the school – and all the funding is required to be spend on supporting disadvantaged students. 

We have invested in an online platform to make this process much simpler, and we would be very grateful if you could take two minutes to register. 

All that you will need is the following:

  • Your own name and date of birth
  • Contact details
  • National Insurance Number (or National Asylum Seekers Number)
  • Child's name and date of birth
  • School your child is attending/will attend.

We would be very grateful if you could fill in your details on this form, even if you have applied unsuccessfully in the past, or if you believe you are not entitled to additional funding. The systems re-checks details every term, and will automatically update our records if your status changes. As a thank you gesture, you’ll be entered into a raffle to win a £50 gift voucher. 

If you would like help with applying, you are very welcome to come into school and we would be happy to assist you with an application.  

If you wish to continuing using the paper-based system please collect a form from the school office.

Criteria for Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of one of the following benefits, please apply for your child’s Free School Meal:

  • Universal Credit with an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400
  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The guarantee element of Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for the four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
  • Child Tax Credit (with no Working Tax Credit) with an annual income of no more than £16,190.